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Nearly All

Nearly All: Synonyms, Antonyms, and Use in Sentences

Nearly All Synonyms

  • Almost all
  • Virtually all
  • Practically all
  • Substantially all
  • Overwhelmingly
  • Vast majority
  • Great majority
  • Bulk
  • Most
  • Majority
  • Largest part
  • Better part
  • Greater number
  • Significant proportion
  • Substantial number
  • Large contingent
  • Predominant
  • Prevailing
  • Ubiquitous
  • Pervasive
  • General
  • Wide
  • Far-reaching
  • Extensive
  • Sweeping
  • Broad
  • Comprehensive
  • All-inclusive
  • Universal

Nearly All Antonyms

  • Scarcely any
  • A small number of
  • A few
  • A handful
  • A minority
  • The exception
  • The odd one out

Example Sentences

  • Nearly all of the students passed the exam.
  • Virtually all of the employees have health insurance.
  • The majority of people believe that climate change is real.
  • The better part of the day was spent in meetings.
  • A substantial number of people voted for the new candidate.
  • The university has a comprehensive library.
  • The report provides a universal overview of the topic.
